Live Theatre - Box Office 305.743.0994 - 5101 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050
Live Theatre - Box Office 305.743.0994 - 5101 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050
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Marathon Community Theatre is proud to offer FREE weekly dance classes to all current theatre members. Classes are offered Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. MCT Membership runs July - June yearly with two levels available for purchase:
Individual $20 (good for one person) and Household $30 (good for up to 4 people).
All tappers are welcome who have previously danced either in their younger years or from the beginner class. Our goal is to have fun, improve technique and present an enjoyable routine for our MCT audiences.
An hour of fun and easy tapping, our tap class is for men and women, high school age and over - including way, way over! Learning to tap dance is excellent exercise, physically and mentally, and helps improve balance.
Broadway inspired jazz class incorporating stylized walks, kicks and basic locomotive combinations.
NEW to the MCT Dance Department, Instructor Kayla Merrill is ready to teach our members the art of ballet! Ballet is an artistic dance form performed to music using precise and highly formalized set steps and gestures. This dance style is characterized by graceful, fluid movements and an emphasis on basic technical skills. (Note: this is a half hour class)
We are very excited to have NEW Instructor Kayla Merrill restarting our Lyrical Class! Lyrical dance is a style that finds its roots in ballet & jazz and is characterized by fluid expressive movements which can convey emotions such as joy, love or loss. It is an excellent style for beginners because it focuses largely on expression rather than structured ballet or jazz. For seasoned dancers, the choreography can become more intricate & challenging. In the lyrical class, we work on improving our flexibility, balance & strength as well as learn how to convey a message through movements. We use various music styles, from slow ballads to world music to hip hop, in which songs always have a message.
Belly Dance is more than just wriggling around in a sequined bikini! It encompasses dances from all over the Middle East, all the way to Gypsy and even a little African and Flamenco. It’s a fun way to move your body to the music, and you don’t have to bare any part of your body to do
Who doesn’t love a kick line? Unlike the real Rockettes, who all have to wear the same size costume, we take all sizes and ages (Adults to Seniors).and you don’t have to be able to kick over your head - just as high as your waist. Don’t think you can do it? You'll never know until you try!
What the heck is Bollywood? It’s the dance style you see in the movies from India! Bollywood encompasses Indian Classical and Folk Dance, as well as a little Belly Dance, and even a little Hip Hop! Above all, it’s fun, and very aerobic. If you like Zumba, you’ll love Bollywood!
Copyright © 2021 Marathon Community Theatre - All Rights Reserved.
Marathon Community Theatre is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization.
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